Annotate tandem repeats from sequence domain models.

Here you learn how to annotate sequences with your favourite sequence profile model. The sequence profile model is transformed into a circular profile HMM, as described in a recent MBE publication. Next, the sequence is searched for tandem repeats using the circular profile HMM.

Requirements for this tutorial:


write section to install castor with aligner proPIP

Read in your sequence profile model.

import os
from tral.hmm import hmm
from tral.paths import PACKAGE_DIRECTORY

pfam_profile_HMM = os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIRECTORY,"examples", "data","Kelch_1.hmm")
circular_profile_HMM_Kelch_1 = hmm.HMM.create(input_format = 'hmmer', file = pfam_profile_HMM)

See the basic characteristics of the circular profile HMM:

>>> print(circular_profile_HMM_Kelch_1)
cpHMM ID: PF01344.20
cpHMM length: 47

Read in your sequences.

from tral.sequence import sequence

human_HCFC1_fasta = os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIRECTORY,"examples", "data", "P51610.fasta")
human_HCFC1_sequence = sequence.Sequence.create(file = human_HCFC1_fasta, input_format = 'fasta')[0]

Annotate tandem repeats with the circular profile HMM.

tandem_repeats = human_HCFC1_sequence.detect(lHMM = [circular_profile_HMM_Kelch_1])

The result is a tandem repeat (interpretation):

>>> print(tandem_repeats.repeats[0])
> begin:31 l_effective:53 n:5

Annotate tandem repeats with the circular profile HMM and realign with proPIP.

Alternatively, you can directly include tandem repeat MSA realignment with the indel-aware proPIP algorithm:

tandem_repeats = human_HCFC1_sequence.detect(lHMM = [circular_profile_HMM_Kelch_1], realignment='proPIP')
>>> print(tandem_repeats.repeats[0])
> begin:31 l_effective:48 n:5

If you wish to use a gamma distribution for indels, choose the option rate_distribution = ‘gamma’ or modify the rate distribution in config.ini.

Output the detected tandem repeats.

Write a singe repeat_list to .tsv format:

path_to_output_tsv_file = "outputfile.tsv"  # Choose your path and filename
tandem_repeats.write(output_format = "tsv", file = path_to_output_tsv_file)

This is how the output looks like (interpretation):

$ cat outputfile.tsv
begin       msa_original    l_effective     n_effective     repeat_region_length    divergence      pvalue
31  R--------PRHGHRAVAIKELIVVFGGGN----------EGIVD-----------------------------------------------------------ELHVYNTATNQWFI---PAVRGDIP-,P--------GCAAYGFVCDGTRLLVFGGMV-----------------------------------EYG-------------------KYSN-------------DLYELQASRWEWKR-----LKAK---,TPKNGPPPCPRLGHSFSLVGNKCYLFGGLANDSEDPKNNIPRYLNDLYILELRPGSGVVAWDIPITYGVLPPPRESHTAVVYTEKDNKKSKLVIYGGMSGCRLGDLWTLDIDTLTWNK---PSLSGVAPL,---------PRSLHSATTIGNKMYVFGGWV----------PLVMDDV-------------------------------KVATHEKEWKCTN-------------TLACLNLDTMAWETILMDTLEDNIP-,R--------ARAGHCAVAINTRLYI---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  53      4.056603773584905       306     None    None

Write a singe repeat_list to .pickle format:

path_to_output_pickle_file = "outputfile.pickle"  # Choose your path and filename
tandem_repeats.write(output_format = "pickle", file = path_to_output_pickle_file)

A repeat_list in pickle format can easily be read in again:

from tral.repeat_list import repeat_list
tandem_repeats = repeat_list.RepeatList.create(input_format = "pickle", file = path_to_output_pickle_file)