
Here you see how to configure TRAL after installation. All configuration files are located in your home directory:


configs.ini - REQUIRED: Supply paths to external software and data.

In configs.ini you can set the paths to all external software and data used in TRAL, as well as change default thresholds and behaviours.

De novo repeat detection

Enlist all de novo detection algorithms you wish to use. All other algorithms are ignored by default.

        AA = HHrepID, T-REKS, TRUST, XSTREAM  # List of default de novo detectors on amino acid data that you wish to use.
        DNA = PHOBOS, XSTREAM  #List of default de novo detectors on nucleic data that you wish to use.

If the binaries or executable scripts of any de novo detection algorithm are not in the system path, set the absolute paths in config.ini. Details for each detector (e.g. to create executable scripts) are detailed in Installation of external software.

        PHOBOS = phobos
        HHrepID = hhrepid_64
        HHrepID_dummyhmm = /path/to/home/.tral/data/hhrepid/dummyHMM.hmm
        TRUST = TRUST
        TRUST_substitutionmatrix = /path/to/TRUST/Align/BLOSUM50  #Recommended: Use matrices packages shipped with TRUST

Build Hmmer models

If hmmbuild is not in your system path, define the absolute path:

    hmmbuild = path/to/hmmbuild

Realign tandem repeat units

At current, tandem repeat units are realigned with Mafft’s ginsi global aligner. This is required for example if you annotate tandem repeats from profile models. If ginsi is not in your system path, define the absolute path:

    ginsi = /path/to/ginsi

Additionally, all detected tandem repeats (either from profile models or denovo can be realigned with the indel-aware proPIP alignment algorithm. To use proPIP you need to have Castor (incl. aligner) which ships with proPIP. If Castor is not in your system path, define the absolute path:

    Castor = /path/to/Castor
        rate_distribution = constant # either constant or gamma

Simulation of evolution in tandem repeats

If alfsim is not in your system path, set the absolute path:

        alfsim = path/to/alfsim

configs.ini - OPTIONAL: Change TRAL’s default behaviour

Define the default filter behaviour.

        tag = basic_filter
                func_name = pvalue
                score = phylo_gap01  # score
                threshold = 0.1  # p-Value cut-off
                func_name = attribute
                attribute = n_effective  # attribute of tandem repeat, e.g. the repeat unit length l_effective
                type = min
                threshold = 1.9  # p-Value cut-off

Creation of new Repeat instances

    scoreslist = phylo_gap01,  # score
    calc_score = False  # Is the score calculated?
    calc_pvalue = False # Is the pvalue calculated?
    precision = 10
    ginsi = /path/to/ginsi  # Path to the mafft global aligner ginsi.
    Castor = Castor
        rate_distribution = constant # either constant or gamma
    alfsim = alfsim

Statistical significance calculation and models of repeat evolution

    evolutionary_model = lg  # All models need to be available in /path/to/TandemRepeats/tandemrepeats/data/paml/
        indelRatePerSite = 0.01  # What magnitude is the indel rate compared to the substitution rate?
        ignore_gaps = True  # Shall trailing gaps be ignored / not penalised?
        gaps = row_wise
        zipf = 1.821
        start_min = 0.5
        start_max = 1.5
        nIteration = 14
        kappa = 2.59
        alpha_1 = 0.3
        alpha_2 = 0.4
        beta = 0.7
    save_calibration = False
    precision = 10

Creation of new Repeat list instances

    output_characteristics = begin, msa_original, l_effective, n_effective, repeat_region_length, divergence, pvalue
    model = phylo_gap01

Restrict Hmmer model size.

Set the maximum size of HMM for which the Viterbi algorithm is performed l_effective_max e.g. to ensure viable run-times on your system:

    l_effective_max = 50

logging.ini - OPTIONAL

In this file, you can define the level of debugging per module (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING), and the format of the debugging message. Defaults to WARNING. The path to the file needs to be defined as

import logging
import logging.config