Source code for

Tool to search an HMM against a database of sequences

May be run as a module, e.g. `python -m -h`


import argparse
import logging
import gzip
import random
import itertools
from io import StringIO
import re

from ..hmm import hmm, hmm_viterbi
from Bio import SeqIO

[docs]class TralHit(object): """Encapsulates key information about a TRAL search result. This is similar to some objects from the `tral.repeat` package, but collects data together and provides serialization methods. """ def __init__(self, id, prob, logodds, states): = id self.prob = prob # log10 probability self.logodds = logodds self.states = states # Header for TSV format header = "ID\tProb\tLO\tStates"
[docs] @classmethod def parse_line(Cls, line): """Parse a line from the TSV serialization to a TralHit Inverse of to_line() Args: - line (str): TSV-separated line representing one hit Returns: A new TralHit instance """ fields = line.strip("\n").split('\t') if len(fields) != 4: raise ValueError("Illegal format") id = fields[0] prob = float(fields[1]) lo = float(fields[2]) states = fields[3].split(' ') if fields[3] else [] return Cls(id, prob, lo, states)
[docs] def to_line(self): """Converts this hit to a tab-delimited line Does not include endline. May be recreated by `parse_line(line)` Return: (str) """ return "\t".join([, str(self.prob), str(self.logodds), " ".join(self.states) if self.states else ""])
def __repr__(self): return "{}({!r},{!r}, {!r}, {} states)".format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.prob, self.logodds, len(self.states)) def _to_align_matrix(self, statelist, seq, ignoredstates=["N", "C"]): """Constructs a 2D matrix of the repeat alignment from the states of this hit. Args: - statelist (list of string): a sorted list of all states in this alignment - seq (string): sequence for this hit. Should match self.states in length - ignoredstates (list of string): list of non-aligned states Returns: (3D list of strings) The result is a rectangular matrix, where the first index is the repeat number, the second index is the column (with the same length as statelist), and the element is a list of zero or more letters from seq. """ # reverse index statepos = {state: i for i, state in enumerate(statelist)} assert len(seq) == len(self.states) align = [] row = [] for state, res in zip(self.states, seq): if state in ignoredstates: continue assert state in statelist # should be the only other states pos = statepos[state] if pos < len(row) - 1: # new row row.extend([] for i in range(len(statelist) - len(row))) align.append(row) row = [] row.extend([] for i in range(pos + 1 - len(row))) row[-1].append(res) row.extend([] for i in range(len(statelist) - len(row))) align.append(row) return align def _to_repeat_alignment(self, align, statelist, stateheader=False): """Constructs a multiple alignment string for this hit. Gaps are indicated by -; Args: - align (3D list of strings): output of self._to_align_matrix - statesheader (bool): Add header rows giving the state names for each column Returns: (3D list of strings) """ # Find max width of each column widths = [max(len(align[row][col]) for row in range(len(align))) for col in range(len(statelist))] # Convert to strings alignstr = StringIO() if stateheader: maxlen = max(len(s) for s in statelist) for row in range(maxlen): for col in range(len(statelist)): w = widths[col] char = statelist[col][row:(row + 1)] alignstr.write((char if char else " ") * w) alignstr.write("\n") for row in range(len(align)): for col in range(len(statelist)): w = widths[col] alignstr.write("{:-<{}}".format("".join(align[row][col]), w)) alignstr.write("\n") return alignstr.getvalue()
[docs] def to_treks(self, sequence, hmm=None): """Converts this hit to T-REKS format Args: sequence (str or Bio.SeqRecord or Bio.Seq): sequence for this hit hmm (hmm.HMM): (optional) the HMM used to generate this hit. If specified, results in more accurate set of states Return: (str) See: tral.sequence.repeat_detection_io.treks_get_repeats """ # Example: # >sp|Q10567|AP1B1_HUMAN AP-1 complex subunit beta-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=AP1B1 PE=1 SV=2 # Length: 4 residues - nb: 5 from 625 to 645 - Psim:0.7 region Length:21 # G-D-LL # G-D-LL # NLD-L- # G-PPVS # G-P-PL # ********************** # Handle case without any repeats if not self.states: return "repeat not found in sequence {}".format( if hasattr(sequence, "seq"): seq = sequence.seq else: seq = sequence if len(seq) != len(self.states): raise ValueError("Mismatched sequence lengths for " + out = StringIO() # identifier desc = sequence.description if hasattr(sequence, "description") and sequence.description else out.write(">") out.write(desc) out.write("\n") # Compute header info usedstates = set(self.states) # Guess HMM length if hmm: hmm_len = hmm.l_effective states = [state for m_i in zip(hmm.match_states, hmm.insertion_states) for state in m_i if state in usedstates] ignored = hmm.terminal_states else: # Check that state names are expected statepattern = re.compile(r"[NC]|[MI]\d+") if not all(statepattern.match(s) for s in usedstates): raise Exception("Unknown state naming pattern. HMM required.") # Guess based on state names hmm_len = max(int(a[1:]) for a in self.states if len(a) > 1) states = [state for i in range(1, hmm_len + 1) for state in ("M%d" % i, "I%d" % i) if state in usedstates] ignored = ["N", "C"] # Compute alignment align = self._to_align_matrix(states, seq, ignored) # Compute bounds. 0-based inclusive start = min(i for i, s in enumerate(self.states) if s not in ignored) end = max(i for i, s in enumerate(self.states) if s not in ignored) out.write("Length: {} residues - ".format(hmm_len)) out.write("nb: {} ".format(len(align))) out.write("from {} to {} - ".format(start + 1, end + 1)) out.write("Psim:{:f} ".format(10 ** self.prob)) out.write("region Length:{}".format(end - start + 1)) out.write("\n") # write alignment out.write(self._to_repeat_alignment(align, states)) out.write("**********************\n") return out.getvalue()
[docs]def opengzip(filename): """Open a file, which may optionally be gzip'd Checks the magic bytes to see if the file was compressed. Args: - filename (str): Filename Returns: An open file handle """ magic = None with open(filename, 'br') as f: magic = if magic == b'\x1f\x8b': # gzip return, 'rt') else: return open(filename, 'rt')
[docs]def shuffle_seq(seq): """Randomly shuffle a sequence Args: - seq (Bio.Seq): input sequence Returns: Bio.Seq.MutableSeq with suffled characters """ mutable = seq.tomutable() random.shuffle(mutable) return mutable
def search_hmm(hmmfile, databasefile, outfile, start=0, n=0, shuffle=False): circular_profile = hmm.HMM.create(input_format='hmmer', file=hmmfile) with opengzip(databasefile) as database: with open(outfile, 'w') as results:"Loading database from %s", databasefile) # Use BioPython over TRAL for performance # seqs = sequence.Sequence.create(database, input_format='fasta') #"Loaded %d sequences", len(list(seqs))) seqs = SeqIO.parse(database, 'fasta') # header results.write(TralHit.header) results.write("\n") for record in itertools.islice(seqs, start, start + n if n > 0 else None): seq = record.seq if shuffle: seq = shuffle_seq(seq) hmm_results, prob = hmm_viterbi.viterbi_with_prob(circular_profile, seq) odds = hmm_viterbi.logodds(circular_profile, seq, prob) hit = TralHit(, prob, odds, hmm_results) results.write(hit.to_line()) results.write("\n") results.flush()
[docs]def main(args=None): "search_hmm main method" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Align a cpHMM against a database using TRAL') parser.add_argument("hmm", help="cpHMM filename") parser.add_argument("database", help="database to search, in fasta format (may be gzip compressed)") parser.add_argument("results", help="results file") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Long messages", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-s", "--start", help="Index of database sequence to start with (default: 0)", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("-n", "--dbsize", help="Number of database sequences to include (default: 0 to include all)", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("-r", "--shuffle", help="Shuffle database sequences", default=False, action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO if args.verbose else logging.WARN) search_hmm(args.hmm, args.database, args.results, start=args.start, n=args.dbsize, shuffle=args.shuffle)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()