Source code for

Filter search_hmm results according to various statistics

May be run as a module, e.g. `python -m -h`

Filtering is performed by `filter_search_results`. Other methods provide
I/O and supporting roles.


import argparse
import logging
import re

from Bio import SeqIO
from .search_hmm import TralHit, opengzip

[docs]def count_repeats(states, hmm_length=0): """Count the number of repeats matched by the hmm. Partial repeats at the beginning and end of the hmm For example, consider a 3-column HMM with the following states: N N N M2 M3 M1 I1 M2 M1 M2 C C C This would have .6+1+.6=2.3 repeats. Args: - states (list of str): list of states traversed by the hmm. Only match states (starting with 'M') are considered, and are assumed to be numbered sequentially from 1 - hmm_length (int): number of HMM states. If not given, guessed based on the observed states (may be inaccurate) Returns: (float) Number of repeats """ match_re = re.compile('M([0-9]+)', re.IGNORECASE) # states are numbered from 1 first_match = None last_match = -1 circles = 0 for state in states: if state[0] == 'M': # match state # find state index match = if match: index = int( if not first_match: first_match = index # loop around if last_match > index: circles += 1 hmm_length = max(hmm_length, index) last_match = index if first_match is None: return 0 return -(first_match - 1.) / hmm_length + \ circles + \ float(last_match) / hmm_length
[docs]def filter_search_results(results, repeats=2, log_odds=8.0): """Get the set of hits passing the specified filter :param results: TSV file with TRAL hits :param repeats: minimum number of repeats :param log_odds: minimum log odds score :return: Generator for all hits """ hits = parse_hits(results) filtered = filter(lambda hit: hit.logodds >= log_odds and hit.states and count_repeats(hit.states) >= repeats, hits) for hit in filtered: yield hit
[docs]def filter_fasta(databasefile, outfile, hits, usedescription=True): """Filter a fasta file to IDs contained in the hits :param databasefile: Name of input fasta. May be gzipped :param outfile: Name of output fasta. Uncompressed. :param hits: Iterable of TralHits :param usedescription: Include full description (header line) from the input fasta database. If false, only the name (first word after the '>') will be used. """ ids = { for hit in hits} with opengzip(databasefile) as database: with open(outfile, 'w') as results:"Loading database from %s", databasefile) seqs = SeqIO.parse(database, 'fasta') filtered = filter(lambda seq: in ids, seqs) if not usedescription: def replacedescription(seq): seq.description = return seq filtered = map(replacedescription, filtered) SeqIO.write(filtered, results, 'fasta')
[docs]def parse_hits(results): """Generator for hits from a search_hmm output TSV file """ # Filename if not hasattr(results, 'readlines'): with open(results, 'r') as f: for hit in parse_hits(f): yield hit return # File handle lines = iter(results.readlines()) line = next(lines) line = line.strip("\n") linenr = 1 if line is None: return # empty file if line != TralHit.header: logging.error("Invalid header in results file") return for line in lines: linenr += 1 try: hit = TralHit.parse_line(line) yield hit except ValueError as e: logging.error("{} in results file line {}".format(e, linenr))
[docs]def write_hits(hits, outfile): """Write a collection of hits to a TSV file :param hits: iterable of TralHit :param outfile: filename """ with open(outfile, 'w') as results: # header results.write(TralHit.header) results.write("\n") for hit in hits: results.write(hit.to_line()) results.write("\n")
[docs]def write_treks(databasefile, outfile, hits, hmm=None): """Write a collection of hits as a TREKS file :param hits: iterable of TralHit :param outfile: filename """ with opengzip(databasefile) as database: with open(outfile, 'w') as results:"Loading database from %s", databasefile) seqs = { rec for rec in SeqIO.parse(database, 'fasta')} for hit in hits: rec = seqs[] results.write(hit.to_treks(rec.seq, hmm=hmm)) results.write("\n")
[docs]def match_seqs(hits, fastafile): """Pair a series of hits with sequences Requires loading fastafile into memory Return: generator of (TralHit, SeqRecord) tuples """ with opengzip(fastafile) as database: seqs = { rec for rec in SeqIO.parse(database, 'fasta')} for hit in hits: seq = seqs[] yield (hit, seq)
[docs]def main(args=None): "filter_hmm main method" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Filter hits from search_hmm') parser.add_argument("hits", help="TSV file, as produced by search_hmm, containing HMM hits") parser.add_argument("database", help="database to filter, in fasta format (may be gzip compressed)") group = parser.add_argument_group('outputs') group.add_argument("-f", "--filtered-fasta", help="output fasta file, filtered by hits") group.add_argument("-o", "--filtered-tsv", help="Filtered TSV file") group.add_argument("-x", "--filtered-treks", help="Filtered T-Reks file") group = parser.add_argument_group('Thresholds') group.add_argument("-r", "--min-repeats", help="Minimum number of repeats", type=float, default=2.0) group.add_argument("-t", "--log-odds", help="Threshold for minimum log-odds ratio", type=float, default=8.0) parser.add_argument("--preserve-header", help="Include the full header in FASTA output. Otherwise, " "just the identifier is used to match TSV and TREKS.", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Long messages", default=False, action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args(args) logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO if args.verbose else logging.WARN) # parse and filter hits hits = filter_search_results(args.hits, args.min_repeats, args.log_odds) # preserve iterable if multiple output formats if bool(args.filtered_tsv) + bool(args.filtered_fasta) + bool(args.filtered_treks) > 1: hits = list(hits) # output filtered tsv if args.filtered_tsv: write_hits(hits, args.filtered_tsv) # output filtered fasta if args.filtered_fasta: filter_fasta(args.database, args.filtered_fasta, hits, usedescription=args.preserve_header) # output filtered treks if args.filtered_treks: write_treks(args.database, args.filtered_treks, hits, hmm=None)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()