.. _install_external: Installation of external software ================================= TRAL is dependend on different external software which need to be installed before TRAL can be used. Here, we explain how to install external software packages, such as *de novo* tandem repeat detectors. _Important_: Once a software is installed, the path to either the binary or the executable shell script needs to be indicated in the TRAL configuration file :ref:`config.ini `. For each of the software an installation script can be found for :ref: `easy setup `. Sequence profile model generation --------------------------------- At current, only support for HMMER is integrated `published in Bioinformatics (2008) `_ (`Installation instructions `__). TRAL searches for HMMER's *hmmbuild* in the system path by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [hmm] hmmbuild = hmmbuild If *hmmbuild* is not in your system path, set the absolute path:: [hmm] hmmbuild = path/to/hmmbuild .. _MAFFT: Alignment of tandem repeat units --------------------------------- Currently, MAFFT is the default tool for (re-)alignment of the tandem repeat units to each other (`Installation instructions `__). TRAL searches for MAFFT's *ginsi* in the system path by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [repeat] ginsi = ginsi If *ginsi* is not in your system path, set the absolute path:: [repeat] ginsi = path/to/ginsi Realignment of tandem repeat units with indel aware proPIP algorithm -------------------------------------------------------------------- The alignment module of (`Castor `__) can be used to realign tandem repeat units with the indel aware algorithm proPIP (`Installation instructions `__). TRAL searches for *Castor* in the system path by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [repeat] Castor = Castor If *Castor* is not in your system path, set the absolute path:: [repeat] Castor = path/to/Castor .. _install_denovo: Currently integrated detectors ------------------------------ ======== ======= Software License ======== ======= HHrepID CC-BY-NC-2.0 PHOBOS Non-commercial TRED Non-commercial T-REKS Non-commercial? TRF Unlimited use TRUST ? XSTREAM Non-commercial ======== ======= HHrepID ******* HHrepID is a profile self alignment *de novo* amino acid tandem repeat detection software `published e.g. in PLOS Computational Biology (2011) `_ (`Installation instructions `__). TRAL searches for the executable binary *hhrepid64* in the system path by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] HHrepID = hhrepid_64 If the executable *hhrepid* is not in your system path, set the absolute path:: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] HHrepID = path/to/hhrepid Also, you need to supply a null hmm file for using HHrepID. A dummy file is located in your home/.tral. Supply the path to your null hmm file of choice:: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] HHrepID_dummyhmm = /path/to/home/.tral/data/dummyHMM.hmm PHOBOS ****** `PHOBOS `_ is an unpublished *k*-mer based *de novo* DNA tandem repeat detection software. TRAL searches for the executable *phobos* in the system path by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] PHOBOS = phobos If *phobos* is not in your system path, set the absolute path:: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] PHOBOS = path/to/phobos TRED **** TRED is a sequence self alignment *de novo* amino acid tandem repeat detection software `published in Bioinformatics (2007) `_ (The software is available on request). TRAL searches for the executable *tred* in the system path by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] TRED = tred If *phobos* is not in your system path, set the absolute path:: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] TRED = path/to/tred T-REKS ****** T-REKS is a *k*-mer based *de novo* DNA/AA tandem repeat detection software `published in Bioinformatics (2009) `_ (`Installation instructions `__). Create an executable text file T-REKS with the following content: :: #!/bin/sh java -jar /my/path/to/T-Reks.jar "$@" If you place this text file in your systems path, TRAL finds it by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] T-REKS = T-REKS If you did not place T-REKS in your system path or named it differently, set the absolute path:: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] T-REKS = path/to/T-REKS TRF *** TRF is a *k*-mer based self alignment *de novo* DNA tandem repeat detection software `published in Nucleic Acids Research (1999) `_ (`Installation instructions `__). TRAL searches for the executable *trf* in the system path by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] TRF = trf If *trf* is not in your system path, set the absolute path:: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] TRF = path/to/trf TRUST ***** TRUST is a sequence self alignment *de novo* amino acid tandem repeat detection software `published in Bioinformatics (2004) `_ (`Installation instructions `__). Create an executable text file TRUST with the following content (you can amend the java memory consumption restrictions):: #!/bin/sh java -Xmx30G -cp /my/path/to/TRUST/1.0.0/Align nl.vu.cs.align.SelfSimilarity "$@" If you place this text file in your systems path, TRAL finds it by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] TRUST = TRUST If you did not place TRUST in your system path or named it differently, set the absolute path:: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] TRUST = path/to/TRUST Also, you need to supply a substitution matrix for using TRUST (it ships with several substitution matrices). Supply the path of your favourite substitution matrix:: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] TRUST_substitutionmatrix = /path/to/TRUST/Align/BLOSUM50 .. _XSTREAM: XSTREAM ******* XSTREAM is a *k*-mer based *de novo* DNA/AA tandem repeat detection software `published in BMC Bioinformatics (2007) `_ (`Installation instructions `__). Create an executable text file XSTREAM with the following content: :: #!/bin/sh java -jar /my/path/to/xstream.jar "$@" If you place this text file in your systems path, TRAL finds it by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] XSTREAM = XSTREAM If you did not place XSTREAM in your system path or named it differently, set the absolute path:: [sequence] [[repeat_detector_path]] XSTREAM = path/to/XSTREAM Simulation of evolution in tandem repeats ----------------------------------------- For simulating evolved sequences ALF can be used which simulates a root genome into a number of related genomes. It was `published in Molecular Biology and Evolution (2012) `_ and can be downloaded on `alfsim.org `_. TRAL searches for ALFs executable *alfsim* in the system path by default (modify in :ref:`config.ini `):: [repeat] alfsim = alfsim If *alfsim* is not in your system path, set the absolute path:: [repeat] alfsim = path/to/alfsim Not yet integrated software --------------------------- There is a large number of tandem repeat detection software for which TRAL does not provide parsers. However, theses parsers are easily manually added to :ref:`sequence.repeat_detection_io `. Please file an issue on the `tracker `_.