.. _install_containerized: Using TRAL in a container or VM =============================== Vagrant ------- (`Vagrant `__) is tool for building virtual development environments. TRAL requires a complex ecosystem to use all of its features, so vagrant provides a reproducable environment to test installation. Installing TRAL within a vagrant box is simple. We assume you have (`installed vagrant `__) and a provider (e.g. VirtualBox). Next, check out the TRAL source code and run :: vagrant up This will download all dependencies and install all external software using the :ref:`easy setup ` scripts. You can then ssh into the box and work with TRAL. :: vagrant ssh $ sudo su # python3 -c 'import tral; print(tral.__version__)' Note that the tral data files are downloaded to ``/root/.tral`` within the box, so running (within vagrant) as root is recommended. The working directory on the host is mounted as ``/vagrant`` within the box for easy data transfer. Note that external software is licensed independently of TRAL. You should check the licenses for all software. Several tools are restricted to academic use. Docker ------ Create `Github.com Token `_ and login your docker instance: :: cat ~/TOKEN.txt | docker login https://docker.pkg.github.com -u USERNAME --password-stdin Get the latest docker image: :: sudo docker docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/acg-team/tral/tral_docker:latest Fire it up: :: sudo docker run -ti docker.pkg.github.com/acg-team/tral/tral_docker For development check the :ref:`realease procedure `.